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Hello First Graders!
I am very excited to begin this new school year. I am so happy to have your child in my class. I am looking forward to meeting you and your child at Meet the Teacher on Thursday August 20th from 4:00 to 5:00. See you then!
Word Wall Words
We will not be having any more spelling words this year. The kids have done great this year with their spelling words!
Library Books
We will not be going to the library this week. Please help your child keep up with their library book so we can turn them in next week. That will be our final visit to the library.
Upcoming Events
We will be going to the park May 16th. You should have received a note about the park. Your child will need to bring a sack lunch and two drinks. Please label their lunch and drinks. If you have not returned their permission slip please do so.
Thanks so much to all the people who contributed to the read-a-thon!
Reading with your Child
We have had several weeks of reading our books and writing in our journals. Thanks to all parents who have been helping their child read and write in their response journals. Please continue to listen to your child read and encourage them to write in their journals, possibly writing several sentences about their book.
Here is what we are doing.
In Reading we will be reading books about ponds and about spring and summer. We will also be doing activities with the spelling words we have learned this year. In Writing we will continue research writing. We will also do some end of school writing. In Math we will review coins, time, double digit addition and subtraction, and fractions. In Science we will complete our pond study.